
Search Engine Optimization

Organic Search Services
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Free Technical SEO Audit

Acknowledging the current condition of your web presence through  a site audit could mean as much as staying in business or going out of business leaving a lot of money on the table when it comes to site traffic and leads. Knowing what the search engines like and what they don't, and I will work with you to develop an ideal solution for your web presence.
I will examine your website with advanced SEO tools and software.

Free SEO Audit Includes:

I will examine your website with advanced SEO tools and software. With my findings I can give a diagnosis on the health of your Search Engine Optimization.

SEO Video Audit

A thorough look at understanding the current state of your current SEO with a live video example of me undergoing the audit process with you. This includes going over your website, google my business profile, facebook business page etc. To give you the best insight into the health of your business's web presence.

Mobile Performance and Responsiveness

I check to see if your website is mobile friendly and functions properly on desktop, laptop, tablet and various mobile devices.

Website Technical Performance Score, Metrics & Diagnosistic

Running technical performance report and web diagnostic to see how fast your website is loading on all major browsers and checking for critical errors, media load times for images and video.

Content Indexation: Robot.txt file & XML Sitemaps

Look into the sitemap of the website to see if it is being properly indexed correctly and optimized for search engines.

Meta Data: Page Titles, Headers, Alt Text, Meta Descriptions

Meta tag diagnostic to make sure they are filled out and informative.

Content Optimization & Internal Linking

Making sure content is formulated and easy to navigate to on the website. Looking closely for content that is missing or difficult to find. Investigating priority of links specific to your business.

Site Structure: URL Strings, Navigation, Header, Footer

Checking for the overall structure, presentation and representation on the website to see what is looking right and what could use some work in terms of wording, punctuation, readability, color etc.

Site Errors: 404 Errors, 500 Errors, Broken Links

Looking at any deadlinks or errors from links on the website, from both internal and external links.